Friday, October 2, 2009

My Retirement

1.What do you think retirement means? To me retirement means that you don't have to work anymore, because you are living off the money you have saved up. The amount off money you get depends on how much you've saved up.
2.From what sources do people get income when they retire? I believe that the income people get when they retire comes from many sources. Some of those sources include Social Security, your personal savings , and many other sources.
3.Who pays for the health insurance of retired people? I am not really sure . So I ain't gotta clue.
4. Who should be responsible for planning for retirement? What roles should individuals, businesses, and the government play in planning? The responsibility of planning for retirement should mostly be on the individual. Although I believe that the goverment and the businesses should play some role. The government should make sure that the person's social security is there for them when they retire.

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